Monday, March 5, 2012

A Must Read: Teen Died While Driving And Facebooking After She Posted Safe Driving Tips

Taylor Sauer knew facebooking while driving was a bad idea. The 18-year-old college student said so in her last status update: "I can't discuss this now. Driving and facebooking is not safe! Haha.". At the time, Sauer was driving 80 mph from the Utah State University campus in Logan to visit her folks in Caldwell, Idaho, and was passing the time on the four-hour drive by messaging her friend about the Denver
Broncos, according to MSNBC.

Moments after her last update, she crashed her car into a tanker truck that was going 15 mph up a hill and was killed instantly.
Investigators weren't able to find signs that Sauer applied the brakes before her fatal crash, but, after checking cell phone records, they did discover she was posting about every 90 seconds during her drive, according to Idaho State Police Lt. Sheldon Kelley.

"The text messages were both incoming and outgoing during her trip between Logan, Utah [and the accident scene]," Kelley told the Salt Lake Tribune."In addition to the texting, there were multiple Facebook communications to and from Taylor Sauer during the minutes immediately prior to the crash."

That was January 14 and her parents, Clay and Shauna Sauer, are trying to make sense of the crash and prevent future tragedies.


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