Monday, March 5, 2012

Guess Who I Saw in Town: Puff Daddy and Girlfriend, Cassie

Yea, yea, you 'was' punk'd again.. Heheh.. I saw no human named Diddy in town o, neither did I see the fine chic who's his gf.. But then, whatever brings you back on my blog is fine by me noni :D.. So, Mallam Diddy was spotted in Paris in the company of his longtime girlfriend and aspiring model, singer Cassandra Ventura aka Cassie.. Remember her? She was that singer that sang.. Watch Video, see pictures after the jump...

Apparently, this fine Mallam has maintined a great relationship with his own artiste, these things happen.. Wherever Puff Daddy finds love, ko yo min kolobo (takes no cents outta my pocket).. Well, they were both on a shopping spree in Paris, that's where these pictures were taken.

The couple left their hotel, Le Meurice, and visited the Givenchy, Chopard and Rolex stores prior to a stop at the Colette concept store where Diddy instructed the shopkeepers to throw in the bag anything Cassie picks.. Hmmm

I wish my bobo will take me on a shopping spree too, I would love to go to Bloomingdales and Express.. I think Express especially where I can select whatever catches my fancy without a care in the world how much they are going to cost..

#DearFutureHusband, you heard?

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