Friday, March 9, 2012

Mother Jailed For Abetting And Recording Boyfriend Raping Her 11yr Old Daughter

A mother of four, who recorded her boyfriend raping her underage daughter, was sentenced to 21 years in jail by the Sessions Court here after she pleaded guilty to abetting him. The taxi driver boyfriend, Ma Kasim Sirat, 44, was slapped with a 30-year jail term and 15 lashes of the rotan.

The mother, a 30-year-old executive taxi service supervisor, admitted to three counts of abetting her boyfriend, who raped the then 11-year-old girl on three occasions at at their Apartment. The offences were committed between December 2009 and March 2010.
Ma Kasim admitted to three counts of raping the girl at the same place and time. The girl testified in the trial earlier that the second incident happened on her 12th birthday on Jan 31, 2010.

She said her mother had called her into a room to get a “ birthday present”.
In the third incident, her mother recorded the rape on her handphone camera.
Yesterday, the mother cried and pleaded to the court for a lenient sentence.

“Saya insaf (I have repented). I hope to be given a second chance to become a good mother to my children,” she said.

Ma Kasim told the judge his experience in prison had taught him to change his ways.
“I want to be responsible for her (the victim’s mother) and I will marry her when I get out of jail,” he said.

Judge Latifah Mohd Tahar sentenced the mother to seven years’ imprisonment for each count while Ma Kasim was sentenced to 10 years in jail and five lashes of the rotan for each count. All sentences were ordered to run consecutively.

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