Wednesday, August 22, 2012

@KlintDaDrunk Didn't Share the Rape Tweet, @KlintTheDrunk Did.. Happy!

Note the handles, one has 'da' while the other has 'the'.. coming on the heels of the tweet that went viral yesterday that we all thought was put up by the comedian, Klint he went on twitter this a.m to correct the misunderstanding. He denied sharing such insensitive tweet and proved it too by drawing our attention to his twitter handle. We can now all rest easy now we know Klindadrunk is not the same person as Klintthedrunk.. Sighs.. Good thing, but someone should please tell the brother to go and get his handle verified like some celebs we've seen do that, atleast, this disturbing occurence would have been averted that way. We forgive the hater that led us to believe you are such a heartless, insensitive person, we now know you are not either.

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