Saturday, June 2, 2012

Wow!!! Whose Baby Is Genevieve Carrying?

1. Lol.. I see why this post will get a lot of hits cos Genevieve is the subject of the post :D - She's not carrying a child o, not preggie as far as we know.. So, none of you should quote me in error.. Heheh .. I was only trying to draw attention to the baby in her hands [see photo below], Genevieve will be a good mother if she tries again : ), she should too cos I'm sure her fans will love the idea.. Yep, I mean we her fans (smiles) even tho it's her decision to make but we gotta remind her we would luv to have her bear a baby we'll all grow to luv like we heart her.. Okies, I'm so running away now cos I see you rolling your eyes now.. Lol. BTW, Baby Pink Lily will be nice for a name.. Blue Ivy things*
2. What's wrong with this man eh? I don't feel this at all, can't say he'll be respectful in their marriage.. well, just saying. I still don't dig those hands touching erm.. Coughs.

3. Yaay!! MAULAG gets a branded busstop... So, I gotta ask, 're we ever gon see UNILAG again? In name I mean, I still say the name should be reverted and MKO honoured with the proposed Abuja Stadium.. Not that anyone is listening tho. Have a beautiful weekend fam.. Hugs

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