Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Verdict: American Coach Faces 500yrs In Jail on Conviction of 45-Count of Child Sexual Abuse

Closing a chapter in a scandal that shocked the nation and tarnished a prestigious university, PENN State, a jury convicted Jerry Sandusky on 45 counts of sexual abuse Friday night, believing the graphic testimony of8  young men over a defense team that portrayed the celebrated former Penn State assistant football coach as devoted mentor.

Moments after the verdict was read in the courtroom, Sandusky, 68, rose from his seat with tears in his eyes, one of his lawyers said. When his bail of $250,000 was revoked, Sandusky gave a small wave to his family and was led away in handcuffs to a waiting sheriff's car to be taken to the Centre County jail.

**Adieu** papa Sandusky, go learn some lesson in jail where your likes belong. Justice prevailed here. For more on this story, go to

 For more on this story, go to CBS News

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