Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Jay-Z Threatens To Drop Rihanna From Label If She Doesn’t Go To Rehab

Rihanna has been partying a lot over the past few months and it's taking a toll on her professionally. Afraid that she might be throwing her career down the drain, mentor and record label boss Jay-Z urged her to go to rehab – or else, says a new report.
Word that Rihanna might be overdoing it (drinking too much, being out too much and basically not taking proper care of herself) has been around for a long time, but she never acknowledged it in any way. Until now, however, reports never said she might have a genuine problem: they just stated the obvious, namely that RiRi was out partying a lot.

“According to reports, Rihanna’s manager and close friend Jay-Z has ordered the 24-year-old singer to seek help before it’s too late,” adds the same media outlet.

An insider confirms this – under the promise of anonymity, of course – saying that Jay is fed up with Rihanna's recent behavior because it could spell a bump in the road for her career.

“Rihanna has been out of control for months. She was supposed to catch a flight back to the UK last week, but she ended up missing it, which was the final straw for management,” says the spy.

“Jay-Z hit the roof when he found out, and told Rihanna, 'Go to rehab now or I’ll drop you from the label.' She’s not happy, but she now feels she has no choice,” adds the insider.

The Mail also quotes another report making the rounds online, which says that the problem with Rihanna might go beyond a supposed addiction to alcohol.

She's displaying the classic signs of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, such as “a constant need for attention and admiration,” the British tabloid argues.

As of now, Rihanna is yet to address the latest round of rumors. Considering how she shot down reports in The Sun the other day, we can only imagine what she'll have to say this time, on Twitter, of course.


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