Thursday, June 28, 2012

Chris Okotie Bans Chuch Members From Discussing His Failed Marriage

It's no longer news that Reverend Chris Okotie is seperated from his enstranged wife, Stephanie Hensaw, but what is news is the Pastor has instructed members of his church not to grant interviews to any media photog fishing for information over what may be the cause of his failed marriage. People are saying scriptures were quoted and a warning sounded off to members about repercussions. So, on that note, you are only allowed to share this info if and only if you don't attend the Reverend's Household of God church. You've been warned!!!

Peep the press statetement Reverend Chris Okotie’s (church') spokesperson released:
The Pastor of our Church, the Household of God, Oregun, Lagos, Rev Chris Okotie announced his separation from Stephanie his wife of four years, at the end last Sunday service.
Both parties arrived at this decision after careful review of the prevailing circumstances which pointed to the fact that it is the best option for them at this time. They also agreed not to divulge details of this incident for personal reasons.
Rev Okotie thanks concerned friends and well-wishers and asked for understanding. He also expressed the hope that their decision would be respected as no further details would be given on this issue’.
Stranger things have happened, no?okBye!

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