Saturday, May 26, 2012

Twitter Feud: NotJustOK Disses On Competition,TooXclsive.Com, Details Here

I got preoccupied sharing pictures from Funke Akindele's wedding that I nearly forgot to post this, I am also exhausted so can't explain it but check out the following tweets to get some understanding of what went down between execs of two of Nigeria's giant oline music platforms. Apparently, tweep @OvieO called out the guys at for allegedly jacking a song by DaGrin they shared on their website, but the guys at tooxclusive refuted that claim and minced no words telling @OvieO of how disrespectful he was to come at them without checking the facts. @OvieO has since apologized to,.  All is fair now, I visit the two websites and will hate to see issues like this type coming up again, in essence, I'm saying y'all rock with what you do, but lets keep peace.

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