Monday, May 21, 2012

Soundsultan's Hilarious Response To Airtel Nigeria's Dumb Tweet

Note key words 'Survivors' and 'bury' on @AirtelNigeria's tweet, and Soundsultan's response.. Lol. I find it very funny tho, when do people start burying survivors of any plane crash? Soundsultan killed this one by retweeting the sillyness.. Hehehe. Okies, I'm sure this was a mistake, we all make stupid ones sometimes, so all is forgiven @AirtelNigeria, just be careful what you share in future.. Simples


  1. Err... How dumb caan yu be. It's not a mistake. It's deliberate to see their intelligence. Duh. Google it and u'ld see how popular the trivia is.

  2. that's obviously no's delibrate to test intelligence....

  3. duhhhhh!!! its not called a dumb question but trivia!!!

  4. Covers face.. Lol. Well, it got y'all coming here. Thanks for the enlightenment. Winks

  5. dumb! need you say that? Airtel gave that as a brain teaser and Sultan got the gist, so keep it cool.A real kiss for the palate i'll say.
