Thursday, May 31, 2012

Shocking: Engineering Student, 21 Kills Roommate And Eats His Brain And Heart

Wow, in myy thinking out loud in my native tongue.. 'Nkan Be.. Translation: Strange things happen... Alexander Kinyua, 21, told police he stabbed and dismembered 37-year-old Kujoe Bonsafo Agyei-Kodie before eating his heart and parts of brain
  • Kinyua's brother told police he found hands and human head in bins above brother's washing machine
  • Then directed police to nearby church where he said he stashed rest of Agyei-Kodie's body
  • Kinyua's Facebook details troubled student who wrote that campus shootings were actually ethnic cleansings  
MAIL ONLINE - A 21-year-old electrical engineering student has been charged with first-degree murder after parts of a man’s dismembered body were found in his home a week after the man first went missing.
Alexander Kinyua confessed to police that he also ate his roommate’s heart and portions of the brain after killing him in their Joppa, Maryland town home. This is the second deeply disturbing report of cannibalism to sweep the nation within a week. In the first, ‘Miami Cannibal’ Rudy Eugene tore off and ate most of the face of down-and-out homeless man Ronald Poppo.
The 37-year-old, who had been missing for almost a week, apparently shared a home with Kinyua, though other aspects of their relationship are not immediately clear. Kinyua’s father, Antony Kinyua, alerted a detective on Tuesday night, saying that his other son Jarrod discovered what appeared to be a human head and hands in two metal tins above the washing machine.
Horrified, Jarrod Kinyua brought his father down to the basement where Antony said he saw Alexander Kinyu cleaning out the containers.

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