Saturday, May 26, 2012

Photos: Found These Historic And Interesting Pictures, Enjoy!

2. This is No. 34 Okolo Street Onitsha, the residence of the Great Zik of Africa. He is pictured acknowledging cheers from supporters in 1959. This is one heritage that was well preserved by the Europeans. This photo may not be in our National Archive.
1. Crowd gathered at Zik rally in Urualla, 40 miles from Onitsha. Zik (Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe) on table talking to crowd and introducing candidates and supporters. He introduces Felicia Obua, a local N.C.N.C. organizer in the Orlu division. This photograph was taken by Eliot Elisofon, who was on assignment for Life magazine and traveled to Africa from August 18, 1959 to December 20, 1959.

3. This is pre-Independence Enugu! The photograph was taken by Dr. Simon Ottenberg while conducting field research at Afikpo village-group, southeastern Nigeria, from September 1959 to December 1960

Know your history young Nigerians, these pictures are national treasures, decades after they were taken, they still look great. Kudos to the archivists who preserved them. Continue after the jump to view larger copies.

Source - Jafar Safiyanu Jaafar


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