Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Nigerian, Doris Chibuko, 40 Among Victims of California Shooting

Doris Chibuko, a Nigerian-trained lawyer and mother of three, was among the 7 people killed by a gunman at Oikos University, Oakland, California on Monday. Doris was studying nursing at the Christian College when she was gunned down by an expelled student of the school, One Ogoh, a Korean. Those killed by Ogoh, who was said to be looking for a female administrator, included six women and a man, while other victims sustained bullet wounds. She was just two months away from completing her nursing programme when she was shot dead by Ogoh, who was angry with the school authorities over his expulsion some months ago and with some of his fellow students for teasing him over his poor English skills.
May her soul and those of the other 6 people rest in peace.

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