Sunday, March 11, 2012

War Of Words: Nigerians Trashed South Africans In Defence Of Fatherland

SOURCE - March 8 is without a doubt a date alot of South Africans will not forget too quickly, yes same day the South African government apologised to Nigeria for deporting Nigerian nationals accused of trying to enter the country with fake yellow fever certificates. Find extracts from the comment thread of 'The Sowetan', South Africa's online newspaper on the apology tendered by the SA government to OUR goverment.. How it went..

Contine after the jump


The following are responses from Nigerians who felt insulted by the way the South Africans were carrying on with their anger, they dished some insults out themself.. one of the comments is so funny, I couldn't help but enjoy a tongue in cheek moment.. Not the point I'm tryna make tho, so please continue reading..




So, guys what do you think? There are hundreds of comments made by South Africans and others by Nigerians that I didn't import here but I'm sure you get the picture. It was really crazy out there and I find some reaction very appalling.. Go to The Sowetan for more

Africans UNITE!!!

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