Thursday, March 15, 2012

Tyler Perry Left Me A Thank You Message For Seeing 'Good Deeds'

Wow! These messages I'm reading about your experiences while seeing GOOD DEEDS are amazing to me. I knew this movie was powerful and would speak to so many. Thank you.

Life is so short and we have to live it to the fullest. That's the message I wanted people to take away from GOOD DEEDS. I also wanted to see that you not only enjoyed the movie but that you are taking steps to live your life to its fullest

potential, which is so moving to me. I love when art inspires us to be our best. That's the only reason I do movies and plays. I want us to grow and prosper even as our souls prosper.
To all of you who went to the movies and saw GOOD DEEDS (me, me, me!!!) and to all of you who have encouraged many to go to the movies to see it (and that would be me again), let me just say thank you. *Ur welcome hun*

If it wasn't for you, the bootleggers would have put me out of business a long time ago. I'm so grateful that you pay to see the movies. You are keeping a lot of people employed when you show up (yea yea). Thanks again.

God bless you.

1 comment:

  1. Hello!
    I would first like to thank you for reading my msg and secondly, I would like to leave my e-mail address for Mr.Tyler Perry.
    Now,I would really like to know, why is it that Mr.Tyler will not personally acknowledge ppl such as myself? I mean I understand that he is big and all of that, doing his thing,but it sure would be nice to have just fifteen mins at the max with hopes of a breakthrough in my own life.
    I realize Mr.Perry is busy with his own life given as an icon to many, but if nothing else than a repy to my comment by e-mail would be most apprectiated.
    Just would like to know if he is still in touch with the real world of ppl and in hopes that he would never forget from which he has come. To hear these words spoken from him to me would mean the world to me.
    I am not sure what to expect from me being here, but I anticipate and pray that, Mr. Tyler will respone to by email.
    Thank you and God bless.
