Monday, March 19, 2012

Lami, 2Face And Sound Sultan Selected As Spokespersons For The Act4Africa Campaign

These top Nigerian musicians have joined hands with Oxfam and its partners to call on Africans across the continent take action to ensure that the famine experienced in the Horn of Africa recently is the last famine Africa experiences.

Lami, Sound Sultan and 2Face have committed to work with Oxfam and other national and local organizations. The aim is to raise awareness on current situations, end hunger in Nigeria and mobilise citizens to take action. We must prevent the re-occurrence of food shortages in Nigeria and end hunger and famine in Africa.
The musicians have recorded a song which will be released to the public on
March 29th in Lagos and will be followed by a series of public events to raise awareness with African leaders, the media and the general public on the importance of addressing Africa's food security crisis.

The initiative is part of Oxfam's global campaign that aims to empower men and women living in poverty to claim power in the way the world manages land, water and climate change, so that they can grow or buy enough food to eat - now and in the future. In Nigeria the GROW campaign is implemented under the auspices of Voices for Food Security (VFS)—a platform of 15 Nigerian Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and small-scale farmers associations across the country.

Currently 13 million people in the Sahel region are faced with serious food crisis that threaten their lives and livelihoods. If early and effective action is not taken, it may prove as devastating and costly as past regional food crises in 2005, 2008 and 2010. This year the Horn of Africa has experienced the world's worst food crisis in many years, with over 13 million people in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia in desperate need of assistance.

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