Thursday, March 22, 2012 Releases Nigerian Employee Salary Survey, See Where You Rank!

Nigeria’s Number 1 job website, recently released its first Nigerian Employee Salary Insights Survey. The survey polled about 10,000 professionals across Nigeria’s public and private sector. According to the survey, the median income in Nigeria (among respondents) is between N51,000 and N100,000. SOURCE

Some other insights…
  • 70% of employees in white collar jobs are male
  • Employees in the oil and gas sector are the highest paid
  • The most commonly employed skill set is Accounting/Finance followed by Administrative skills and IT skills

Key Findings  >> Continue after the jump

  • The average remuneration level for Nigerians is between 50-100,000

  • There is gender disparity in most industries.

  • There is an unexploited opportunity for employers to retain great talent by broadening the range of ancillary benefits for employees beyond basic and statutory pay.

  • Our survey revealed several other interesting and unexpected findings: The overwhelming majority of respondents have spent less than two years on their jobs.  

  • The median number of years spent on the job is between 3 and 5 years. 

  • The median income is between N51,000 and N100,000 and about 69% of professionals earn N100,000 per month or less.  

  • The male gender appears to be paid higher than the female 

  • About 70% of professionals do not receive any form of allowance, bonus, commissions, or any other form of extra benefit from their employers whiel 30% receive extra benefits in various forms.  

  • Employees in the Oil & Gas industry are the best paid, followed by their counterparts in the banking/financial services industry. 

  • Highest proportion of professionals that are least paid, or that earn less than N20,000 per month are those in the Education industry and above. Folowed by Bachelor's degree holders. Only 0.7% of those earning above N1,000,000 per month are PHD holders. The largest proportions of highly paid professionals are those who have spent above 8years on their jobs. 57% of those who earn above N1,000,000 have spent over 8 years on the job. 

  • The most commonly employed skill set among respondents is Accounting/Finance, followed by Administrative skilla and then IT skills. 

  • The least common skills set is Executie/Top management, Hospitality/Leisure/Travels, Real Estate and NGO related skills 

  • In general, most workers' roles are not related to their course of study. 

  • 73% of the professionals in the legal industry actually studied Law, making the Legal industry the most consistent employers with respect to employees' field of study.  

  • 37% of respondents who participated are in desperate need to change jobs, 36% could be tempted to move or change jobs if the opportunity arose while onl 12% are happily employed. 

  • More males than females appear to be “happily employed” and still “could be tempted to move, while more females than males are dissastified with their current jobs. 

  • The proportion of females with either a Bachelor's degree or HND is more than that of males.

  • Seven out of ten professionals that carried out the Survey were males, and yet more females have a Bachelors or an HND qualification.

  • The greatest proportion of respondents have sciences and engineering as their major while fields like Law, Real estate and property related courses have the least number of professionals. Fields like Law, Sciences and Education have a greater proportion of females.


  1. Very good post I enjoyed reading it from top to bottom.

  2. So na to do PhD be that...Naija

  3. @ Anonymous
    Only 0.7% of those earning above N1,000,000 per month are PHD holders. The largest proportions of highly paid professionals are those who have spent above 8years on their jobs.

    Which PhD? Na make you comot your best shot siddon for one place be the answer
