Saturday, March 24, 2012

An Interesting Read: If Black Is So Beautiful, Why Alter It?!

Face it, y'all like the sisters WHITE!

Yeah, many of you born liars will deny this but reality reflects that y'all niggers prefer to date and marry at least a light-skinned girl. Y'all can go about saying stuff like black is beautiful, black is amazing, I'm proud of my dark skin, big nose, big lips, huge back side, monster d/?! and what have you?
But brothers and sisters, are you really proud? How come the sisters feel the need to spend so much on whitening cream? How come if a sister doesn't come close to looking like MJ, some folks think they're suffering malnutrition(suffer head) and are thus ugly? Y'all know what I'm trying
to say so don't bother pretending this doesn't apply to you.

I know this sister who went from coal black to Mirinda Yellow. This skin-bleaching sister is so white all black people are starting to look the same to her. She saw her own mama and call her Whoopi. Wtf is that, dude?

I do recall the Nigerian song, "omo pupa le mi fe." Now, that's one popular song out there to justify my point. There's a preference out there for the light-skinned woman and the black black woman, who's the perfect black woman is underrated. Who you fooling, brothers and sister? Y'all need to get your act together.

Yea, I know the world is a globe, even some white people get tanned to look just a mite darker, I ain't never seen one get as dark as Djimon Honsou. And if I have a problem with skin lightening, why not African women who fix artificial hair? Hey, that's a totally different ball game.
Last time I checked, ain't nobody define race by hair texture or length. I can excuse that but bleaching your natural skin colour, destroying your natural protection is nothing more than the result of brainwashing.

Over 400 years slave mentality. You sisters do it, you brothers encourage it. Identity crisis is a shitty thing. If black is so beautiful, why alter it? Why can't you learn to rise above your complex problems and begin to appreciate who you are. Black truly is beautiful but you just don't gotta say it, you gotta believe it.

Written by "Charlize".. (a pen name)


  1. Oh, shut up! You sound ignorant as hell...lmaooo

  2. Nice write up, u should shut up, dis article is simply true...don't be dumb.

  3. Yes o, it is very true. It happens everywhere in the world. Black people are still trapped in the white supremacist view, the lighter skinned, the better. Rather than deny it, admit and re-educate yourselves. Sisters, stop damaging your skin, moisturize and let your black skin glow. We are beautiful.

  4. GBA BE! 100% true yarn.

  5. Fck u.. if u never lived as a dark skin black "nigger" o I mean sister.. Suck an aids dxck. Im sick of this iSht. Just remember as,Long as u have us.. U can feel beautifuL. P.o.s.
    1oo percent true? Wtf is wrong with u. Everything is cool about us until it comes to the darkness of our skin.. Maybe if ppl stop trying to knock us for something we cannot help.. Then ppl wouldnt be so quick to bleach their skin. Hey but love our,music and our style our features and hate our,skin so much u have other dark skin ppl who felt beautiful at one point ready to lighten their,skin. Even light skin black ppl think they are a diff race.. Just die already so there are less ppl to comment on our color and not our pain and struggle for some simple shit we were born with! Fck all of u.

  6. Kindly STFU and take a seat! I knew this article was a farce when I got to the point where you tried to explain off artificial hair. Seriously?! Are you kidding me? Hair has no claim to race? Why don't you show me a white person with kinky hair or a black person with naturally straight hair? Isn't it inferiority complex that gets the girls chasing after Brazilian, Indian or Peruvian hair? Why don't they proudly wear their hair? Why are those hairs associated with several identities if they have no claim to fame. Kindly take a seat and at the back too! Why do black women have to apply relaxers to their hair to make them straighter if not because they're not proud of their blackness? Abeg!

  7. I was wondering if i could use that image for a book cover on fanfiction

  8. it is wonderful, i like read that, i will comeback here for read next article..

  9. it is wonderful, i like read that, i will comeback here for read next article..

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