Friday, March 30, 2012

Ini Edo On Married Life And Having Babies

One of Nollywood's great actresses, Ini Edo came to limelight in 2000, and has over 50 movies to her credit. Beautiful, articulate and talented, the actress granted an interview recently and reveals the secret that binds her marriage to her US-based husband, Philip Ehinagwina. Here's an exerpt
Many people would be surprised, especially your critics, that Ini Edo’s marriage is waxing strong. What has been your staying power?
I have actually been able to hold on to my marriage. It depends on how you set your priorities and not get carried away by the whole fame thing. You should know where to be at the appropriate time and where not to be at all. I just create a balance between my career and my personal life.
My husband is based in the United States, but we see each other all the time. He just left Nigeria in January, and I should be with him in the US soon we shuttle. It is either he comes to Nigeria or I go over to the US. 
He knows that I am not a bad person, he knows me well enough not to bother about the stories, all he does is call me up to find out what is happening (laughs). Talking about the scandals, my husband knows me more than any other person. Sometimes, when they say things about me and we are together at such moments, he would look at me and say; are you the same person that people are talking about? He knows what I can do.
When asked when she will start having children.. **well, yea :D, Ini Edo hasthe following to say.. Continue after the jump
Well it is all about planning and having the right timing for it. My husband and I have discussed it. We have an understanding that the timing is not right for now. I do not also want to say we are deciding on the right time for it, because nobody has the right to do so but God. Let me just say it will be very soon.

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