Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dayo Okeniyi's Character In "The Hunger Games" Questioned By Racist Remarks

I saw The Hunger Games, I thought it was very nice.. Everybody played their role outstandingly well. Katniss, lead actor (actress actually) is a beauty to behold, I loved her character in the movie and for the good job I heard she'll be earning an extra $1million.. Nicee.. Lenny Kravitz as her designer/costumier in the movie moved me so much I thought he was going to share a kiss with Katnis, I still wonder why they didn't fix a scene like that tho:D
So, back to Nigeria's Dayo Okeniyi, he made short cameo appearances but did a fantastic job,  was uberProud of the brother. While he was killed off towards the end of the movie, his roles were clear, he made #TheHungerGames!!! No mean feat that.

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW - "The Hunger Games" beat all of the "Twilight Saga" movies and every single non-sequel ever with the third-biggest opening weekend of all time. The big-screen adaptation of the first novel in the massively popular young adult trilogy collected $155 million domestically, a figure that was just $3.4 million less than "The Dark Knight" opening in 2008. ("Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2" is still #1 with $169.1 million). Audiences gave the movie a CinemaScore of "A."

The racial slurs? Ok, here it is and how Yahoo! reported it..

Any adaptation from book to movie is bound to rile up fans. The casting of black actors in "The Hunger Games" has spurred some negative tweets -- even though at least two are true to Suzanne Collins's 2008 book.

The frenzy has focused on three characters in particular: Rue (Amandla Sternberg) and Thresh (Dayo Okeniyi), the child tributes from District 11, as well as Cinna (Lenny Kravitz), the stylist assigned to Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence), the movie's archer-heroine. In a curious twist of reading comprehension failure and racism, a few tweets have made the public rounds:

"why does rue have to be black gonna lie kinda ruined the movie."

"Kk call me racist but when I found out rue was black her death wasn't as sad. #ihatemyself."

"Awkward moment when Rue is some black girl and not the little blonde innocent girl you picture."
The casting issue surfaced late last year, after the character posters were released. Racialious guest contributor noted the reactions posted on "The Hunger Games" Facebook page: "Everything from the innocuous 'She's not how I pictured her' to 'I was all sad and like 'she's black!'"

Since the tweets have been collected, called out, and condemned, some of the accounts have disappeared, and a countertweet defense movement launched. One poster took over one deleted account to come up with satirical variations: "why does Frederick Douglass have to be black not gonna lie kinda ruined abolition" and "why does the Harlem Renaissance have to be black not gonna lie kinda ruined the New Negro Movement."

One apology did come through: After admitting to tweeting "Cinna and Rue weren't suppose to be black... Why did the producer make all the good characters black," the poster later wrote "I worded everything wrong and was high when I posted that tweet. I didn't mean to offend people."

Rue and other characters in "The Hunger Games," which takes on class oppression in a dystopian society, are described as dark-skinned: "And most hauntingly," writes author Collins, "a twelve-year-old girl from District 11. She has dark brown skin and eyes, but other than that she's very like Prim in size and demeanor." (Prim is Katniss Everdeen's sister, and the resemblance -- darker skin tone aside -- sets up Katniss's conflicted tenderness for her foe.)

Dayo Okeniyi played Thresh in "The Hunger Games"
Cinna's race isn't clearly detailed, but he differentiates himself from the ornately attired stylists by being simply clothed in black, wearing gold eyeliner, and having green eyes and cropped brown hair. The Facebook response to Lenny Kravitz's casting prompted comments such as
"Wtf cinna is black?????!!!!!!!(just saying wht everyone is thinking)lol" and "Umm I got the impression Cinna was what..."

Away from all thewse racial comments which is sad really, I give two thumbs up for "The Hunger Games", I would see it again if I had any time to spare. You should see it too.

BTW, another great movie that I saw this past weekend was Denzel Washington's "Safe House", wow! to that, it's the best movie of it's type that I've seen in a very long time. I can authoritatively tell you it's safe to see "Safe House".. Thank me later

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