Friday, February 17, 2012

VLISCO: The Silent Empire

I have always been facinated with Vlisco ankara, never owned one but I would spend good money on getting some already. One of my plan of actions when I visit home (Nigeria) sometime this year. Here's the latest ankara styles by the company, they released the following statement
Behold the hidden secrets of the new Vlisco fabric collection named Silent Empire. The drama of a frozen opera with a touch of blossoming wit reveals spiritual ambiguity. A restrained yet ceremonious composition of graphic shapes further emphasises a sense of a serene stratification. The layering of details in patterns creates a cultured perception of the designs. The boldness of the designs is tempered by a colour palette dominated by muted earthy tones and alternating with intense shades of blue and lime to create an eye-catching twist.

Big grammar innit? The koko is the designs speak for themself and amma buy me some as I stated earlier. My designer, Toorad (winner, Nigeria Fashion Show 2008 & 2009) will do them madt justice, I have no doubt. Consider this a free advert for the company, I sortta think that when my blog gets as big as Linda Ikeji's, I wouldn't have to do this free then, in the meantime, they shall enjoy my good reviews free.. #OkBye.

Have a swell weekend y'all :D


  1. Yeah, I saw some of their designs and I said, "these designers know their onions." I mean they did fabulous works. They're number one in the world.

  2. Yeah me like too...When i get to that bridge i sure will have loads of their collection...
