Wednesday, February 15, 2012

VIDEO: How An Anti-Bomb Unit Police Was Blown Up By Boko Haram Bomb In Kaduna (Viewers Discretion Seriously Advised)

For some reason, I couldn't post the video here directly, It's so surreal in a way too.. Here's how Sahara Reporters reported it, find the VIDEO link below --->
A Nigerian policeman-Sergeant Sunday Badang- in the anti-bomb unit approached an undetonated roadside bomb in Kaduna without caution. The crowd cheered on, but a few seconds later, he was blown apart as he used his bare hands to detonate a Boko Haram bomb left beside a bus stop in Kaduna.

pls follow link Nigerian Policeman Blown to Bits by Bomb if yo've got the right amount of liver to watch what I'd otherwse call a suicide mission on the part of the policeman..

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