Monday, February 20, 2012

UK News: An 'Idiot' Thief Exploded Himself by Peeing on a Power Transformer

Source Michael Harper is an idiot. The headline reads.. The 36-year-old Englishman was in the middle of robbing a power sub-station when he decided, hey, why not urinate on the power transformer. The transformer exploded, Harper caught on fire, and 2,000 people lost power.

Harper and an accomplice were stealing copper wire (naturally) from the station. To get at the wires, they
had drained the insulating oil from around the fixtures. Oil, of course, catches on fire when a moron pees on a transformer and sends sparks flying around.

Harper was "permanently disfigured" by the explosion and sentenced to a year in jail, where, with any luck, he'll pee on the electrified fence in the yard.

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