Thursday, February 16, 2012

Poem: "Woman of Mud"

This poem expresses the innermost pain of a lover who has given all his life, sweat, hope and blood to a lover and still had his heart broken! My opinion ehn? The woman described here showed no mercy or remorse, I would think we all should live to love and care for our man, the one that loves us especially for once you turn

Woman of Mud

You where my joy and heaven,
now you are my curse, blotch and you delete my smile
Why so, woman of mud

You where the fountain and rose of my heart,
now you’re the throngs that grow on the hills of my rose
and make my rose look like a mountain of pain.
Why so, woman of mud

You where the highly skilled love miracle maker that turned my tears to wine
and give my cry special effects,
because when I am crying and I think of you I start laughing.
But now, you turn my smile to sand and my tears to a red river
and you roll my cry with your hands down the mountain of darkness.
Why so, woman of mud

You were the guide that guided all our belongings with your cloud of kindness,
and you never did without showering your waters of affection on me.
But now, you scatter all that belongs to us in the deepest pit of unkindness
and you bleed away what we felt for each other through your rain of hate.

You always said to me,
that their is no such thing as heartbreak,
because you will never ever leave the path of our love,
and you shall always be there for me like the stars that set on the eyes of skies.
But now, you boldly crush and pond my heart in your mortar of anguish
and walk away leaving my skies blind.
Why so, woman of mud

You where the light that lighted up the candle of my soul
when I was damp and hollow and this made me glow intensively.
You also always told me the darkest secrets I could not even tell you.
But now you blow so hard to wind, away the light of my soul,
flushing me deep down into the land of isolated slaves,
where I hear your gossips about me.
Why so, woman of mud

You were my brightest sunset and you never did without hugging and holding my hands
for you always saw me as your palace of refuge in times of danger.
But now, you’ll rather become hell just to see me cry
and burn and you’ll rather also just walk gently into death so as not to call me your hero
Why so, woman of mud

You were my law of pleasant admiration
and I could never carry on without you by my life,
because you were my dramatic wonder of love.
But now, you are my flaws of unpleasant admiration
and I have no choice nor muddle but to carry on without you woman of mud
because you are now my thunder of hate. End

*Loving someone is like using a leaf to carry water, if you handle carelessly and too hard, it will slip away right in your face and cease to be visible.

Written by Oloidi, Femi

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