Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Lexy Mojo Eyes Addresses a United Nations Seminar, New York, March 2nd 2012

Great stuff here, Nigeria's fashion industry has evolved over the years and one can rightly say we are at the peak of the industry right now, even on a global level. Thanks to someone like Mr. Lexy Mojo Eyes. Following his continuous contribution to the development and growth of global fashion, Lexy Mojo Eyes, President/CEO of Legendary Gold Limited
has been invited as a VIP Guest Speaker at the United Nations – Commission session on the 2nd of March in New York. He
will be addressing a seminar on ‘Empowering Creative Rural Women through Enterprise Development and Global Fashion Opportunities’
This is coming after the very successful hosting of the Nigeria Fashion Week November 16th – 19th, 2011. The event organised in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the World Fashion Organization hosted 42 designers and 39 Exhibitors from 22 countries.
The United Nations seminar is being co-ordinated by TCF Global, Belmont BEC and BPW International and is an accredited event being ran during CSW NGO Sessions. TCF Global and Belmont BEC are non-profit community organisations committed to assisting creative micro-small businesses and empowering women. BPW International was founded in 1930. It operates in 98 countries and has a Consultative Status with ECOSOC/United Nations.
The seminar will include tips on growing small business, community enterprise development and developing fashion incubators.

Opportunities that will be shared include:
  • BPW Business Incubator online training and mentoring,
  • Opportunities for women in developing countries to sell to Multinational Corporations,
  • Opportunities to develop business skills within the fashion industry and
  • Bbenefits from being part of an International Network.
It would be recalled that Lexy Mojo Eyes was invited to speak on various related global fashion issues around the world last year. One of them being the International Conference of Fashion Incubators in Perth, Australia where he addressed global fashion leaders from over 70 countries.
This message came to my desk, yea, I got me a desk : ) from

Bunmi Odunowo
Media Manager
Legendary Gold Limited
For enquiries, please call the following no +234 8158668631 or visit -

PS: Legendary Gold Limited is the organizer of The Nigeria Fashion Show, The Nigeria Fashion, The Nigeria Fashion Awards, and The Nigeria Model Awards

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