Friday, February 17, 2012

‘It Ain’t Hip To Be Fat!’, Wunmi Obe Confesses

SOURCE: With the way Wunmi Obe of the popular star couple, T.W.O, manages herself on and off the stage it’s difficult to imagine she bothers about being a plus-size. The Deja Vu lead songstress and better half of Tunde Obe has however admitted that ‘It ain’t hip to be fat.’

The singer recently took to her facebook page to narrate a story of how a production team approached her to star in a Television programme and feature in a magazine that celebrates people that is on the ‘big side’.

Obe, 43, was upset.

'If there’s one thing that REALLY irritates me, it’s when some failed dieters come up with a TV prog or mag glorifying plus sized people (whilst they secretly chew on celery sticks and lettuce before bingeing on KFC & Blue Bunny), and then call on me to feature and tell people why it’s hip to be fat. IT AINT!! So if anyone’s lookin’ 2 me to help validate their failure to stick to a diet and make them feel good about courtin’ an early grave, good luck ELSEWHERE! Cause I’m too busy tryina stick to mine!*Jeez‘, she wrote.

So, o ye plus-sized people, try stick to your diet so as not to dig an early grave’, she advices.
T.W.O’s last album ‘T.W.O Legit’ was released in 2010. We’re told Wunmi Obe and her husband who rode to national fame with their segments on the rested Charly Boy show, are working to return to TV with their own variety show.

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