Friday, February 17, 2012

Dead Fashion Designer Sued for Sexual Harassment

TMZ Dead men tell no tales and they can't really defend themselves in court either which might be why deceased Beverly Hills fashion titan Bijan is being sued for sexual harassment by his former assistant. Before Bijan died last year, he famously ran "the most expensive [clothing] store in the world" where he outfitted everyone from Obama to George W. Bush, Schwarzenegger,
Jay Leno and Michael Jordan.

But according to Brittany Anderson, Bijan was a sexual terror behind the scenes ... who was constantly commenting on her "voluptuous figure" and informing her that he "wanted her sexually."

Anderson claims she told Bijan she had a BF in an effort to curb the sexual harassment ... but instead of backing off, Bijan allegedly retaliated by demoting her.

Anderson is suing for unspecified damages. Bijan could not be reached for comment. LOL.. #Yeye

Bijan was a legend in the fashion and perfume biz and designed clothes for movie stars and world leaders. His Rodeo Drive boutique is known as the most expensive store in the world.

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