Tuesday, February 14, 2012


This is one very good initiative that I would love to be part of any day, what about you?! Well, since you're reading this, I would like to request that you kindly help share the message on your networks, facebook, twitter, blogs etc. Thank you.. Read more here --->


This component of The Empowering Women Series is aimed at finding 6 outstanding young women within the ages of 12 and 24 who are doing exceptional things in their field of study or practice.  
Entry Criteria
  • Female between ages 12 and 24 and of Nigerian origin
  • Running a business or excelling in a field with great potential evidenced by awards, acknowledgements, profit, publication, scholarship e.t.c
  • Making impact through the activity
  • Duration of experience in the field
  • Achievements made so far backed by evidence
  • Revenue Generated
  • Number of users (in case of product or service)
  • Impact created and lives changed
  • Potential for Impact and growth
Selection Process
1st Stage – Shortlist based on entries received- 7th - 22nd February
2nd Stage 12 young women are interviewed by a panel (face to face or by telephone based on location) – 27th - 29th February
3rd Stage Additional Info is requested prior to final selection 27th - 29th February

Final Selection
 – 6 young women are informed on their selection and invited to attend the event where they will be celebrated and rewarded. March 2nd

Empowering Women Series
is a unique initiative targeted at young ladies between the ages of 12 and 30 with the aim of bringing them a practical message of hope, while providing them with guidelines and applicable principles that can set them on the path to becoming role models and change agents in our society.

The Empowering Women Series is a project championed by En-Reach Limited, a women’s lifestyle organisation that has set its self apart as a provider of products and services that offer enrichment for the female populace across Nigeria.

With the underlying message that you can be all you want to be’, The Empowering Women Series will identify, celebrate and support young, dynamic and outstanding women within the ages of 12 and 24 who are already on the path to greatness; but can benefit significantly from the success story of an inspiring woman who has already walked the path they hope to, connect with and draw inspiration from her.

Therefore, in addition to the above, the series will select and showcase a role model (referred to as the focal person) and document their story in an easy to understand manner, to ignite the passion in young women and cause them to break through surrounding limitations and become the best they can be.
Empowering Women Series and International Women's Day, 2012
For the maiden edition of this initiative, En-Reach Limited has aligned with a global celebration which further strenghtens the project focus and reason for which it champions the Empowering Women Series.
Every year, since the early 1900’s,
International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated around the world on March 8 with events which take place not just on that day but through the month of March to mark the economic, political and social achievements of women. For 2012, the theme of the IWD is ‘Connecting Girls, Inspiring Futures’.

In line with the above, the Empowering Women Series 2012 will be held in the month of March with two main components based on the theme ‘
Connecting Girls, Inspiring Futures’

Connecting Girls through the Empowering Women Series 2012  
This represents the main component of this initiative and is aimed at finding outstanding young women within the ages of 12 and 24 who are doing exceptional things in their field of study or practice with a business focus. En-Reach Limited through this competition hopes to seek out, celebrate and support 6 young ladies, who like the focal person have discovered their passion early and will like to build a career or business in that field.
These young women will apply through a web portal that will be publicised on all the available social media platforms and communication mediums across Nigeria.
Focal Person Empowering Women Series 2012  
Following a strict and rigorous internal selection process designed to ensure the right role-model is selected based on the projects objectives,
Tara Fela-Durotoye (Mrs) has been selected as the premier focal person for the Empowering Women Series and focal person for the Empowering Women Series 2012. Popularly known as a veteran in the beauty industry, Tara Fela-Durotoye has created a
phenomenal success story that would truly inspire and motivate young women in our Country and beyond to be the best they can be. Tara Fela-Durotoye is currently the Managing Director and Creative Director of House of TARA International, a business that has trained over 2,000 make-up artistes who are now major players in Nigeria’s beauty industry through its make-up school and empowered over 1,000 young women in tertiary institutions through its ‘Tara Orekelewa Beauty Representatives Scheme".
Tara Fela-Durotoye has accepted the invitation from En-Reach Limited to be the premier focal person and is committing a minimum of two months to document her success story in written and video format which will be presented at an event.
The Event

Following the selection of the 6 outstanding young women and proper documentation of the Tara Fela-Durotoye’s success story; an event will be held in the month of March to commemorate the International Women’s Day Celebration. Objectives of the event will be:
 To celebrate and showcase the oustanding young women who are selected, with the aim of connecting them for greater achievements. These young women will be celebrated in the midst of their peers and more established women.
 To present and showcase the book and documentary on the success story of Tara Fela-Durotoye.
Expected Project Outcomes

  • To equip young Nigerian women with the support required for their socio-economic empowerment and in turn the growth and development of Nigeria
  • To contribute to the achievement of the Millenium Development Goal 3 which is to promote gender equality and empower women in Nigeria
  • To commemorate International Women’s Day which is a global celebration
  • Celebrate women with inspiring stories and encourage other more established women to tell their stories and inspire the younger ones
Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact:
Back2Basics Concepts (B2BC) – Project Managers En-Reach Limited (Facilitators)
Abosede Alimi and Bamitale Kevin-Agono
+234-703 381 4280 +234-703 002 3333
abosedealimi@yahoo.com talekevinagono@gmail.com

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