Monday, February 20, 2012

Chris Brown Featured On New Rihanna Single, All is Forgiven!

The ffg is a post I copied from Ology. Please share your opinion after reading.. What do you think of a Rihanna and Breezy reunion on Riri's next single? Cool or Dumb? I also think people should forgive because thats when one can move on in life but it seems where these two former lovebirds are concerned, their fans won't just bury the hatchet or allow them to. Okies, you may read now..

 According to reports, Rihanna's next single is the track "Birthday Cake," which appears in an incomplete form on her latest album Talk That Talk. Fans have been begging RiRi to release the full version of the song and she's been responding on her Twitter account, telling fans that the full version will be released soon. However, she left out a detail that I'm sure fans won't appreciate--the featured rapper on the track is apparently none other than her ex-boyfriend Chris Brown.

We all know the story of Chris Brown's brutal assault of Rihanna about three years ago. Brown has never been able to live down that night; his inappropriate tweets, violent outbursts in interviews, and generally deplorable behavior have reminded everyone why his fade into obscurity was pretty much a good thing for everyone.

But he's been under even more media scrutiny lately, as the altercation has been brought back to public consciousness following Brown's (lip synched) performance at the GRAMMYs last weekend and his win for Best R&B Album. With the media backlash that he got from just performing, I wonder how everyone else will take this recent development. I know that I will be banning Rihanna from my music library! (OK, I'll probably hang on to "We Found Love" and "Fire Bomb"...)

Now listen, I'm all for forgiveness. I think it's a positive message if Rihanna announces that she forgives Brown. But featuring him on her track is another issue completely. I think it sends the entirely wrong message to victims of abuse, who should be encouraged to cut the people who abused them out of their lives entirely, not collobarate with them on songs about having sex. The good news? Based on the preview, this track isn't all that great anyway, so hopefully it'll fade away pretty quickly.

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