Thursday, February 9, 2012

Akudo's Story is Yours and Mine

Before you discard this note as another random facebook rant, I implore you to pls take a moment. I am not the type to send and bombard my friends with spam msgs but when I came across the Akudo story while browsing on facebook, something in me couldnt just 'let it go'. I dont know what it is

about this young girl that caught my attn. It was just something in her eyes as cliche as that may sound. To validate the story, I called the source listed on the page and got to talk to one of her
friends,Lovette Otegbola. I wanted to make sure it wasn't a scam. As I was on the phone with Lovette, she explained to me how Akudo's condition had deteriorated over the last 24hrs, going into a coma with her description of what sounded like a 5+ edematous state overnight. Not to mention, she also had increased laboured breathing which would happen with renal failure.

What got to me the most was as I was on the phone with Lovette, she was running from one lab to the other in Lagos to run some blood samples for Akudo to resume dialysis. I could hear each lab turn her down saying 'they had closed'. I couldnt hold the tears from rolling. This was a rapid response, almost turning code blue over an international phone call.

This young girl's life is now dependent on someone's 9-5 work schedule. Imagine her family having to run around to send blood samples on her. I asked Lovette why they hadnt transferred her from LUTH to a private hosp like St Nicholas in Lagos but she said St Nicholas was asking for N4million to commence treatment on Akudo. Now, I don't know Akudo personally, but her story is now MINE and YOURS too.

Akudo now on dialysis
This young lady needs so much done-intubation, meds, dialysis, even a kidney transplant. I am not the type to send out these 'Save a child in Africa type msgs as I think pple sometimes get what the media call 'sympathy fatigue' 'but this story got to me and I couldnt help it. I am pleading with ANYONE reading this msg to please help in anyway possible to give Akudo a chance to fulfiill her dreams. I have validated the source.

My goal is for us to help raise enough money to get her stable enough where maybe she can hopefully transfer to another facility where she can have a real shot at life. For my friends based in Nigeria esp those in the medical field, you guys are our eyes and ears for those of us in diaspora. Any suggestion would go a long way.

For my UK, US, CA friends, no amount of money is too small-even if it's $5. I would be responsible for collecting and sending the money down to Nigeria for Akudo. Spread the word around on social media, maybe we might even find someone willing to bring Akudo here to the US for treatment which she needs.

N4million is a lot of money, but not too much money for us to raise. I thank every one of you for reading this lengthy (and hopefully not boring msg). Money is not the only help we need. We all know the power of social media; you can help also by spreading the word. Let's give Akudo a chance to fulfill her dream. She is only 24.

See Seyi Lawal Adamolekun

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOD!. This' BAD. how do we get d money across to u? do give ur acct no pls
