Tuesday, February 28, 2012

14yr Old Boy Shoots Mum While She Sleeps Over Refusal To Allow Him Hangout On The Streets With Gang Members

14-year-old boy shot his mother at least ten times as she slept on the couch. The teen, named by family members as Joshua Smith, from east Detroit, allegedly unleashed a hail of bullets on Tamiko Robinson, 36, his mother in the early hours of Monday morning for refusing him to go hangout on the street with friends. Smith, who was on the swimming team at Kettering High School, was said to be angry that his mother had tried to keep him off the streets
and away from a gang.

Smith's uncle LeShaun Roberts, told Fox Detroit News the teen had wanted to 'hang with the big boys' - gang members in their twenties - but when his mother said no he ran away to relatives. But Robinson, a dialysis patient, who was battling lupus, went after her son and insisted he came home, angering the youngster.

Roberts holds a picture of his sister with her family
According to the uncle, Joshua broke into his step dad's room, got a twelve gauge and brutally murdered his mother while she slept on the couch in their home. Joshua's five-year-old sister and step dad, were in the home at the time and were forced to jump out of a low window to escape the gunfire.

Smith was arrested soon after the shooting. He had reportedly been driving around in his mother's car.

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