Monday, January 23, 2012

Why Do People Turn God Into a Las Vegas Betting Machine? - Jesse Adeniji

Why do people turn God into a Las Vegas betting machine? Every issue of life in Nigeria eventually turns to 'Let's Pray'.  

Ok, let's apply some logic to this. We have been praying since 1960. In fact, we have built the biggest churches. But while we were playing the praying game, countries with little or no regard for prayer have gone on to build better and bigger economies.

India has lifted over 300 million of it's people out of poverty in the last 15 years. Brazil has gone from a debt ridden and an average country into a very prosperous economy. China has lifted over 400 million out of poverty as well.

But in Nigeria, we're still praying. Praying when the bible itself asked for us to WORK! To eschew corruption and to be our brother's keepers. A lot of the looters we know today are 'Prayer Warriors'.

We seem to always mistake piety for truth. President Jonathan KNEW how Nigeria was before applying for this job. He traveled the length and breath of the country to ask for votes. Not in one of those places did he not promise one thing or the other.

He promptly, without needing my prayers, bought himself 3 new jets in addition to the 6 fully working jets in the presidential fleet. He awarded himself 1 billion Naira for food along with his deputy. He paid for Mossad to safeguard himself and family on my bill, he didn't need prayers to do all of that and then some

Now, he's been given the position, the power, the authority, the mandate and the resources to solve the problems besetting the nation. I do not see where prayer comes into this for now.

You don't need prayers to ask the security agencies, maintained with 1 trillion Naira in a ladn blighted by poverty to arrest Boko Haram. You don't need prayers to sack a police chief implicated in terror during the Abacha government and now up to some other mischief at a critical time.

Prayer is meant for things which we do not have absolute control of. How many kids pray to their fathers for breakfast? But when a child is sick, you pray for healing. God himself asks for your FAITH and WORK. He asks you to pray for UNDERSTANDING but you must WORK!

How some Nigerians reason beats me.

Jesse Adeniji
PR Consultant

Hmmm, food for thought. What do you think friends?

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