Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Questions U Should Ask B4 U Buy D New Blackberry Porsche at N380,000.. Wharahell?

Apparently, the new Blackberry Porsche is set to be sold at a sum equivalent of N380,000.. Like seriously ehn? Well, here's what somone has to say, copied from Facebook..
(1). Does it download food?

(2). Does it fly?

(3). Does it transfer you via bluetooth to another country?

(4). Does the Battery get better per use?

(5). Does it come with unlimited BIS?

(6). Does it appreciate in value like gold?

(7). Does it have Obama's pin?

(8). Can it download money?

(9). Can it download Visa to the US?

If it does not perform any of the above functions, please don't kill yourself... Rather go buy land for your village! :D


  1. ​​=))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º‎​=)) I tire º°˚°˚˚°•.

  2. BerryKiss, you no go kill person... lol
