Thursday, January 26, 2012

Morgan Freeman To Marry His Step-Granddaughter

A few weeks ago, a disturbing story broke that Morgan Freeman was maintaining a 10-year relationship with his step-granddaughter with whom he had a questionable sexual encounter when she was young. Yes, they are not related through blood, but Freeman is 72 and E'Dena Hines is now 27,
which means she would have been 17 when they first... um... got together. Once Freeman's wife found out about their secret affair she filed for divorce, and now the Enquirer is claiming that once proceedings go through, he and Hines are set to wed.

"Morgan has led her to believe that he wants to marry her," says a family insider. Another source says, "Becoming Mrs. Morgan Freeman has been E'Dena's goal."

Creepy huh?

1 comment:

  1. This is very disheartening news, if men are allowed to get away with this kind of abuse. Step or not, anything that has daughter in it should be off limit, let alone grand daughter. It's incestuous, it's paedophilia, it's freaky, sick, immoral and sinful. What a betrayal this would be for his ex-wife. It's the worst kind. If this doesn't kill her, what will?

    That's how some hollywood shit head married his adopted daughter. Who knows since what age he's been visiting her room at nights? Sick bastards. Success doesn't even cure them of their sick fetish.

    I have enormous respect for Freeman, I hope this isn't true.
