Saturday, January 28, 2012

Boko Haram Threatens Fresh Attacks, Reject Talk With President Goodluck

But seriously tho, why can't these people be nice, yea nice I mean and I refer to #BokoHaram. These killings are unnneccasry, uncalled for and only demented minds would go on the way this group has gone.. Its just not fair that innocent people or anybody at all have to lose their lives in such shallow propaganda. #iSad.. Forty-eight hours after offering the prospects of talks with the Boko Haram group
by President Goodluck Jonathan, the Islamist group responded on Saturday by flatly rejecting the offer and threatened fresh attacks if captured members of its group were not freed.

Goodluck Jonathan's call for talks was "not sincere", said Boko Haram spokesman Abul Qaqa, and if captured members of the group were not released, the group would launch attacks like those in Kano, reports AFP.

A series of coordinated bomb attacks and shootings there on January 20 killed at least 185 people.
This latest threat from Boko Haram came hours after the army said troops had killed 11 members of the Islamist group in a shootout Saturday in the north-eastern city of Maiduguri, a stronghold of the group.

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