Monday, January 30, 2012

7 Crazy Sex Facts About The Prince Of Brunei.. WOW

  • He named his yacht S.S Tits.
  • He keeps a harem of around 40 women, paying as much as $20k for two week stints arranged through his team of "casting" associates.
  • He purchased several sculptured fountain pens featuring nude women on the lid and nude men on the barrel. Guess what happens when you put them together? Ecstasy--if you're into pens.
  • He also owned a collection of 10 watches worth about 5 million Swiss Francs. Here's why: the design on the face of clock features a couple who mechanically copulate, every hour on the hour.
  • He's been accused of purchasing up to 50 so-called "prostitute palaces" for the express purpose of orgy and karaoke parties with women flown in from around the world.

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